I am receiving many comments and mails about some issues in MegaUploader:
Error uploading files
If you get an error saying "MEGA could not generate a File ID, it is necessary to restart the upload", then you have to "Restart the upload" and then click on "Restart". This is a bug in MEGA that is ocurring too often in the last days (MEGA, please fix it!!!). There is nothing we can do, except retrying to upload the file :(
All files go to the root
If you upload a folder, all files will go to the root, instead of maintain the folder structure. This is not implemented yet, but will be in the future.
If you upload a file with "strange" characters (diacritics, etc) you may see this inside MEGA.
You can rename the file again, but it's very annoying.
I am developing a new version that fixes it, if you want to try, download it here: MegaUploader DEV VERSION 0.8
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Uploading to MEGA: the CPU bottleneck in VPS/servers
Many people have reported that they get slow speed uploading to MEGA - both using the browser or by using MegaUploader.
The test machine I use is a "4-years-old" Q6600, 4 cores, with a 5Mbps upload connection. It uploads at maximum speed (600KB/s).
However, I had access to a VPS recently, and I did some tests. Althogh it has a 1Gbps shared connection, it never gets more than 300KB/s per file. It was very strange.
With just one file, the upload speed was 350KB/s, with peaks of CPU of 80% - the VPS has only 1 core. However, uploading 2 files at the same time, it uploaded about 700KB/s, with the CPU at 80% with peaks of 100%! Trying to upload 3 files was a terrible idea. Yeah, I got (a unstable) 1MB/s upload speed, but the CPU was always at 100%, and the VPS was slooooow. I was kicked several times from RDP.
After some tests and traces, I arrived to a conclusion: the CPU is a BIG bottleneck!
Information is uploaded to MEGA in chunks of 1MB (well, technically the firsts chunks are smaller and then they get a size of 1MB).
MegaUploaders creates a thread for each file being uploading. Each thread ciphers a chunk (applies an AES cipher) and the creates a parallel task to upload that chunk. Meanwhile, it starts to cipher the next chunk. Once the next chunk is codified, it waits the upload thread to finish - in this way a queue is avoided, so memory usage is always low. As you can see, there are a lot of threads, and if you have a multi-core processor, it will be great.
With home connections, the bottleneck is the upload process. While the chunk is being uploaded, another thread is ciphering the next chunk. Once it is ciphered, it waits until the upload thread is free. In this way the CPU works, and then waits. That's the reason you see "CPU peaks" if you look at the task manager. Home PCs have normally two or more cores (nowadays is strange to have a CPU with just one core), and the upload speed is terrible, so MegaUploader squeezes the connection: if the CPU is faster ciphering each chunk than uploading it, the bottleneck is your conneciton.
However, with a VPS (a cheap one), we have the opposite case. Normally, the VPS may have just one core, or if you get a dedicated low-end server (like a Kimsurfi) you have an Atom core... with a 100Mbps upload speed - or maybe 1Gbps connection!
This means that the upload process is very fast... but the ciphering process is not. So the CPU doesn't have to wait the upload thread to finish - it is always working, and the upload process has to wait! And with just one core, the more threads you create - aka the more files you upload, the more context changes there are - and the VPS gets slower.
So, to sum up, uploading to MEGA requires not only bandwidth, but a lot of CPU. If you have a great upload connection, you will also need many Ghz and many cores in order to avoid a bottleneck.
If you use a cheap VPS/server to upload, you will experiment slow speed and high CPU consumption.
On my side, I will check the CPU consumption during the ciphering process - most of the cycles are consumed, not for ciphering the data, but for generating the CBC-MAC code, a 16 bytes key that is necessary when uploading the file - if that CBC-MAC is not correct, you get the famous "decryption error" when downloading. Maybe I will be able to improve the performance of that process. I hope it ;)
The test machine I use is a "4-years-old" Q6600, 4 cores, with a 5Mbps upload connection. It uploads at maximum speed (600KB/s).
However, I had access to a VPS recently, and I did some tests. Althogh it has a 1Gbps shared connection, it never gets more than 300KB/s per file. It was very strange.
With just one file, the upload speed was 350KB/s, with peaks of CPU of 80% - the VPS has only 1 core. However, uploading 2 files at the same time, it uploaded about 700KB/s, with the CPU at 80% with peaks of 100%! Trying to upload 3 files was a terrible idea. Yeah, I got (a unstable) 1MB/s upload speed, but the CPU was always at 100%, and the VPS was slooooow. I was kicked several times from RDP.
After some tests and traces, I arrived to a conclusion: the CPU is a BIG bottleneck!
Information is uploaded to MEGA in chunks of 1MB (well, technically the firsts chunks are smaller and then they get a size of 1MB).
MegaUploaders creates a thread for each file being uploading. Each thread ciphers a chunk (applies an AES cipher) and the creates a parallel task to upload that chunk. Meanwhile, it starts to cipher the next chunk. Once the next chunk is codified, it waits the upload thread to finish - in this way a queue is avoided, so memory usage is always low. As you can see, there are a lot of threads, and if you have a multi-core processor, it will be great.
With home connections, the bottleneck is the upload process. While the chunk is being uploaded, another thread is ciphering the next chunk. Once it is ciphered, it waits until the upload thread is free. In this way the CPU works, and then waits. That's the reason you see "CPU peaks" if you look at the task manager. Home PCs have normally two or more cores (nowadays is strange to have a CPU with just one core), and the upload speed is terrible, so MegaUploader squeezes the connection: if the CPU is faster ciphering each chunk than uploading it, the bottleneck is your conneciton.
However, with a VPS (a cheap one), we have the opposite case. Normally, the VPS may have just one core, or if you get a dedicated low-end server (like a Kimsurfi) you have an Atom core... with a 100Mbps upload speed - or maybe 1Gbps connection!
This means that the upload process is very fast... but the ciphering process is not. So the CPU doesn't have to wait the upload thread to finish - it is always working, and the upload process has to wait! And with just one core, the more threads you create - aka the more files you upload, the more context changes there are - and the VPS gets slower.
So, to sum up, uploading to MEGA requires not only bandwidth, but a lot of CPU. If you have a great upload connection, you will also need many Ghz and many cores in order to avoid a bottleneck.
If you use a cheap VPS/server to upload, you will experiment slow speed and high CPU consumption.
On my side, I will check the CPU consumption during the ciphering process - most of the cycles are consumed, not for ciphering the data, but for generating the CBC-MAC code, a 16 bytes key that is necessary when uploading the file - if that CBC-MAC is not correct, you get the famous "decryption error" when downloading. Maybe I will be able to improve the performance of that process. I hope it ;)
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Link protection and stop/resume uploads coming soon!
MegaDownloader 0.7 is under development, with two interesting features:
If so, please take into account that it is still under development, so please report any problem encountered!
Download MegaUploader 0.7 Release Candidate
- Link protection, using ELC (Encrypted Link Container):
This method will protect links (people will be able to download files but won't be able to see the original MEGA link) and will offer copy protection: only people from the community will be able to download the files, so you will be able to avoid people "stealing" your links.
For more info (and some examples), read here: "Understanding mega:// links". - Stop/resume uploads:
Many people asked for it. Finally, version 0.7 will offer this interesting feature.
Please take into account that it is new so if you find any problem, report it inmediately!
If so, please take into account that it is still under development, so please report any problem encountered!
Download MegaUploader 0.7 Release Candidate
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks [English]
From version 0.2, MegaUploader allows to enter a "Pre-Shared Key" when uploading, and from version 0.6, it allows to enter up to 2 "Key Watermarks".
In this article these concepts will be explained, what are they and how you can use them.
MEGA file links has the following estructure: ! + FileID + ! + FileKey (44 characters).
If you miss the FileKey, you can still try to download the file (because you have the FileID), but the file content and name can't be retrieved - they are ciphered with the FileKey!
[Technical information, skip this paragraph if you don't understand]
The FileKey is a (modified) Base64 text string, this is, each character has the possible values of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and two characters "-" and "_". We say modified because the "formal" Base64 encode uses "+" and "/" instead of "-", "_", and put "=" at the end of the string if necessary.
Each Base64 character represents 6 bits of information, so the 44 characters represent a key of 256 bits (44 * 6 is a little bit more, 264 but only 256 bits are used), that is, 32 bytes.
The FileKey is generated randomly each time you upload a file. When uploading, a hash (if you don't understand what is a hash, it is something as a "signature") is calculated with the file content, and this hash is append to the FileKey (that hash is called "CBC MAC"). The hash is inserted at the end and in the middle of the FileKey, so if you divide the FileKey in 4 (more or less 11 characters each chunk), the first and third chunk is the original key, and the second and fourth chunk contains the hash.
If you know the original key but doesn't have the hash (CBC MAC), you will be able to download the file, but a Decryption Error will be displayed using MEGA webpage - because the hash can't be verified.
Key Watermarks
We have said that the hash is contained in the second and fourth chunk of the FileKey. This hash is calculated during the upload process, and involves an cryptographic ciphering of the file content. For that reason the hash will depend on the file, each file will have a different hash and we can't predict its value.However, we can predict the value of the first and third chunk of the FileKey. You can modify its value and put whatever you want!
For that reason, you can insert up to 2 "Key Watermarks" in MegaUploader: one at the beginning of the key, and another one at the third position. You can only use some basics characters in that Watermark: alphabetical letters, numbers, and the "-" and "_". You can't use @, slashed, or other signs.
For example, this file was uploaded using Key Watermarks: the first one is "0123456789" and the second one is "9876543210":
If you don't specify any Key Watermark, the FileKey will be calculated randomly. But if you specify it, that text will appear in the FileKey!!
So, to sum up, the Watermark allows you to specify the first and third chunk of the FileKey and put your personalised text.
Pre-Shared Keys
A Pre-Shared Key has the opposite concept of the WaterMark.In the WaterMark you specify the final value of the FileKey, after the hash calculation.
But in a Pre-Shared Key you specify the original value of the FileKey, before calculating the hash.
The target of a Pre-Shared Key is to allow sharing a link without the FileKey, only with the FileID. In that way you can share multiple links, all with a common password: the Pre-Shared Key.
When downloading the file with MegaDownloader, the program will calculate the FileKey with the Pre-Shared Key, and will be able to download and decrypt the file content.
As you can imagine, the hash value is lost - we don't have the FileKey! MegaDownloader will still be able to decrypt the content and download the file.
Of course, you can share the complete link with the FileKey as a normal link :) If you do, note that the FileKeys of all files will have a similar structure: the first and third part of the password will be the same, and only the second and fourth part will be different - because of the hash, which is unique for all files!
For example, consider this link:
You don't have the key, so you are unable to download it... now, open MegaDownloader, go to the Configuration, Pre-Shared Keys, and put "Lorem Ipsum" as a key. Save and try to download it.
You will be able to do it!
Security Concerns
At the beginning we said that the FileKey was generated randomly for each file.Using the Pre-Shared Keys or the Key Watermarks, we generate a non-random FileKey: all the files using the Pre-Shared Keys will use the same password as the original "seed", and all the files using the Watermark will contain the same text in the FileKey. So the key to decrypt each one of these files is less secure than an unique-randomly-created key!
For that reason it is not recommended to use these features. Use them only if you know really what you are doing, and if the security is not your main concern.
MegaUploader Watermark feature allows you to specify the first and third chunk of the FileKey and put your personalised text.The Pre-Shared Key feature allows you to share only the link with the FileID, so users with the Pre-Shared Key will be able to download it using MegaDownloader, even if they don't have the FileKey.
These features reduce the FileKey security so they should only be used when security is not a main concern. If not, it is recommended not to use them.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Contribute [English]
MegaUploader is completely free and has no ads.
If you are satisfied with MegaUploader and want to help MegaUploader improve or motivate the development of other quality programs, any amount of donation small or large will be welcome and gratefully appreciated.
Thanks! :)
Colabora [Castellano]
MegaUploader es una aplicación totalmente gratuita, sin publicidad.
Si te ha sido útil, y quieres colaborar en el desarrollo para mejorar MegaUploader, o para el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones, cualquier donación, grande o pequeña, será bienvenida :)
¡Muchas gracias!
Si te ha sido útil, y quieres colaborar en el desarrollo para mejorar MegaUploader, o para el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones, cualquier donación, grande o pequeña, será bienvenida :)
¡Muchas gracias!
Friday, February 15, 2013
FAQ [Castellano]
¿Que es MegaUploader?
MegaUploader [click aquí para descargar] es un cliente para subir ficheros a MEGA.CO.NZ
¿Es una aplicación oficial?
No, es una aplicación independiente y no oficial. Su uso es gratuito y no se cobra NADA por usarlo o descargarlo.
¿Existe una aplicación de descarga?
Por supuesto, se llama MegaDownloader.
¿Que características tiene MegaUploader?
¿Que requisitos tiene?
Debes usar Windows XP SP3 o superior (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc) y tener instalado .NET 4.0 o superior.
También funciona en MAC con Parallels, teniendo en cuenta que debes instalar .NET 4.0 o superior.
¿Como cifra los ficheros de MEGA.CO.NZ?
Los cifra al vuelo, a medida que los sube, de forma que no consume recursos extra de espacio en RAM o disco.
¿Como comienzo a subir?
En primer lugar debes iniciar el programa y esperar que cargue.
Luego tendrás que añadir ficheros para subir.
Para ello puedes darle al botón "Agregar ficheros". Agrega ficheros o carpetas y ponlos en la cola. Una vez en la cola, debes revisar el estado:
- Parado: No hay conexiones abiertas ni hay nada subiendo.
- Subiendo: Los elementos de la cola se van subiendo en el orden establecido.
- Pausado: Las conexiones están abiertas pero sin subir, cuando vuelva al estado 'Subiendo' comenzará inmediatamente a subir.
¿Puedo arrastrar ficheros para empezar a subir a MEGA?
Sí, pero no funciona si los sueltas en el listado de subidas, suéltalos en la zona de los botones o el borde. Estamos trabajando para arreglar esto.
¿Como configuro el programa? ¡¡Salen muchas opciones!!
Puedes usar la configuración por defecto, para empezar a subir. Tan solo es necesario especificar tu usuario y contraseña de MEGA.
¿Puedo subir de forma anónima? ¡MEGA permite cuentas efímeras!
Por el momento la opción no está implementada.
¿Como puedo ver el tiempo restante de subida?
Por defecto algunas columnas no se muestran. Haz click derecho en la cabecera de columnas del listado de descargas y selecciona las columnas a mostrar u ocultar.
¡No puedo cambiar el tamaño de la columna de nombre!
Esta columna se redimensiona automáticamente según el tamaño del resto de columnas. Por tanto debes modificar las otras columnas para cambiar el tamaño de la columna de nombre. Esto se hace así para evitar un scroll horizontal.
¿Que es una Pre-Shared Key?
La Pre-Shared Key te permite subir ficheros indicando la contraseña de cifrado.
Normalmente se genera una contraseña aleatoria de 24 bytes (+8 de verificación) usando un generador criptográfico de números pseudoaleatorios fuertes, pero es posible definir tu propia contraseña.
Con la Pre-Shared Key puedes bajarte el fichero aunque no sepas la clave privada y descifrarlo (necesitas MegaDownloader para ello.
No se recomienda su uso ya que las contraseñas aleatorias son mucho más seguras, pero la opción está ahí si deseas usarla.
Puedes ver más información (en inglés) en el artículo Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
Que es una Marca de Agua?
Las marcas de agua (en inglés Key Watermark) te permiten personalizar la URL final de MEGA.
Puedes ver más información (en inglés) en el artículo Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
La velocidad de subida no es buena... ¿que hago?
Intenta cambiar el tamaño de paquete en la pestaña "Avanzado" dentro de la "Configuración".
Por defecto es 8KB. Puedes probar a incrementar este valor: 16, 32, 64 o cualquier otro valor que te vaya bien.
El tamaño de paquete indica al programa cuanta información debe transferir "cada vez".
Si es muy grande, la información de los ficheros (porcentaje subido, velocidad, etc) no se actualizará de forma fluida, pero si es muy pequeño puede que no aproveche la linea al máximo.
Normalmente para una conexión de subida de 5Mbps puedes usar 32-48KB. La mayor parte de las conexiones ADSL tienen una velocidad aún menor, por lo que el tamaño por defecto es 8KB. Pero si no es tu caso, mejor auméntalo.
He cambiado el tamaño de paquete y aqún así sigue yendo lento...
Al subir un fichero a MEGA, se intenta enviar por HTTP POST el fichero a una URL que proporciona MEGA dinámicamente.
Si el servidor que recibe los datos está saturado, la subida irá lenta y no hay nada que se pueda hacer.
En ese caso, lo mejor es parar la conexión al poco de comenzar y volver a intentarlo. ¡Con un poco de suerte MEGA te asignará un servidor que vaya mejor!
¡No quiero ese menú "Subir a MEGA" que aparece cuando hago click derecho en un fichero o directorio!
Abre la "Configuración", y deselecciona la opción "Crear menú contextual". Guarda la configuración, y el acceso debería haber desaparecido.
No me aparece el menú "Subir a MEGA", aunque tengo la opción "Crear menú contextual" activada.
Para crear el menú, MegaUploader debe acceder al registro de Windows y agregar un par de claves. Si lo ejecutas sin permisos es posible que no pueda acceder al registro. Debes ejecutar MegaUploader como administrador al menos una vez.
¿Como puedo traducir la aplicación a otro idioma?
En breve haré un tutorial más completo. Básicamente es crear un nuevo fichero dentro de la ruta de configuración, en el directorio Language, copiando otro fichero (se recomienda como base usar en-US.xml). Debes poner el código de idioma con el formato ISO 639 + ISO 3166. Luego editas el XML y cambias, en primer lugar, el código y nombre del idioma, y luego las traducciones (manteniendo el atributo id de cada nodo). Listo!
La próxima vez que inicies el programa, podrás cambiar el idioma desde la configuración (siempre y cuando el código de idioma sea correcto y exista).
¡¡El antivirus me dice que MegaUploader es un virus o contiene un troyano!!
MegaUploader no contiene ningún virus o troyano. Pero está comprimido usando MPRESS para que ocupe menos. Algunos virus también usan MPRESS para que sean más difíciles de detectar, por lo que algunos antivirus marcan como peligrosos cualquier fichero comprimido de esta manera - lo que provoca muchos falsos positivos.
Puedes usar un sniffer HTTP como Fiddler para ver lo que hace MegaUploader, y comprobar que, aparte de conectar con MEGA para subir ficheros y comprobar la última versión, no hace conexiones extrañas ni envía información personal de ningún tipo. MegaUploader es 100% seguro.
¿Que licencia tiene?
La licencia de uso es gratuita, el programa se proporciona "tal como es", no se ofrece ninguna garantía o condiciones de ningún tipo (explítica o implícita), ni se asume ninguna responsabilidad por el uso de la aplicación.
No se permite su modificación. No se permite su uso con fines de lucro. Puedes redistribuirlo libremente, pero solo bajo la condición de no modificarlo y manteniendo toda su información (autores, agradecimientos, etc). No se permite redistribuirlo suplantando la autoría o quitando información de los autores.
Si no estás de acuerdo con esta licencia, no uses el programa.
Esto es un pequeño resumen, con el programa viene la licencia completa, por favor revísala antes de usarlo.
¡¡Me encanta la aplicación!! ¿Como puedo agradecértelo?
Cualquier comentario es bienvenido (podrás encontrar mi contacto en el programa, bajo "Ayuda/Acerca de"), tanto de agradecimiento como críticas constructivas (pero no destructivas).
Si te gustaría ver alguna opción más, dímela y veré si es posible implementarla.
Y si quieres donar algo, cualquier ayuda es bienvenida :)
MegaUploader [click aquí para descargar] es un cliente para subir ficheros a MEGA.CO.NZ
¿Es una aplicación oficial?
No, es una aplicación independiente y no oficial. Su uso es gratuito y no se cobra NADA por usarlo o descargarlo.
¿Existe una aplicación de descarga?
Por supuesto, se llama MegaDownloader.
¿Que características tiene MegaUploader?
- Rápido: Permite subir varios ficheros a la vez, aprovechando al máximo el ancho de banda.
- Ligero: Pesa menos de 2MB y consume pocos recursos. No requiere instalación, es un solo exe. No crea archivos temporales gigantes. Tan solo usa un pequeño buffer en memoria.
- Seguro: Sin publicidad, banners, adds, ni nada. No recopila información de ningún tipo. Tan solo se conecta a MEGA.CO.NZ para subir los ficheros, y comprueba periódicamente si hay actualizaciones. Nada más. Y la información interna sensible para funcionar se guarda cifrada localmente usando DPAPI y AES.
- Sencillo: Su interfaz es simple de usar: añade ficheros y comienza a subir. Punto.
- Completo: Permite pausar, la subida de ficheros, encolar los ficheros a subir, agruparlos por paquetes, permite limitar la velocidad de subida, es multilingüe, se puede configurar para iniciarse automáticamente o apagar el PC cuando termine, en caso de error se puede configurar para que se reconecte, etc etc.
¿Que requisitos tiene?
Debes usar Windows XP SP3 o superior (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc) y tener instalado .NET 4.0 o superior.
También funciona en MAC con Parallels, teniendo en cuenta que debes instalar .NET 4.0 o superior.
¿Como cifra los ficheros de MEGA.CO.NZ?
Los cifra al vuelo, a medida que los sube, de forma que no consume recursos extra de espacio en RAM o disco.
¿Como comienzo a subir?
En primer lugar debes iniciar el programa y esperar que cargue.
Luego tendrás que añadir ficheros para subir.
Para ello puedes darle al botón "Agregar ficheros". Agrega ficheros o carpetas y ponlos en la cola. Una vez en la cola, debes revisar el estado:
- Parado: No hay conexiones abiertas ni hay nada subiendo.
- Subiendo: Los elementos de la cola se van subiendo en el orden establecido.
- Pausado: Las conexiones están abiertas pero sin subir, cuando vuelva al estado 'Subiendo' comenzará inmediatamente a subir.
¿Puedo arrastrar ficheros para empezar a subir a MEGA?
Sí, pero no funciona si los sueltas en el listado de subidas, suéltalos en la zona de los botones o el borde. Estamos trabajando para arreglar esto.
¿Como configuro el programa? ¡¡Salen muchas opciones!!
Puedes usar la configuración por defecto, para empezar a subir. Tan solo es necesario especificar tu usuario y contraseña de MEGA.
¿Puedo subir de forma anónima? ¡MEGA permite cuentas efímeras!
Por el momento la opción no está implementada.
¿Como puedo ver el tiempo restante de subida?
Por defecto algunas columnas no se muestran. Haz click derecho en la cabecera de columnas del listado de descargas y selecciona las columnas a mostrar u ocultar.
¡No puedo cambiar el tamaño de la columna de nombre!
Esta columna se redimensiona automáticamente según el tamaño del resto de columnas. Por tanto debes modificar las otras columnas para cambiar el tamaño de la columna de nombre. Esto se hace así para evitar un scroll horizontal.
¿Que es una Pre-Shared Key?
La Pre-Shared Key te permite subir ficheros indicando la contraseña de cifrado.
Normalmente se genera una contraseña aleatoria de 24 bytes (+8 de verificación) usando un generador criptográfico de números pseudoaleatorios fuertes, pero es posible definir tu propia contraseña.
Con la Pre-Shared Key puedes bajarte el fichero aunque no sepas la clave privada y descifrarlo (necesitas MegaDownloader para ello.
No se recomienda su uso ya que las contraseñas aleatorias son mucho más seguras, pero la opción está ahí si deseas usarla.
Puedes ver más información (en inglés) en el artículo Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
Que es una Marca de Agua?
Las marcas de agua (en inglés Key Watermark) te permiten personalizar la URL final de MEGA.
Puedes ver más información (en inglés) en el artículo Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
La velocidad de subida no es buena... ¿que hago?
Intenta cambiar el tamaño de paquete en la pestaña "Avanzado" dentro de la "Configuración".
Por defecto es 8KB. Puedes probar a incrementar este valor: 16, 32, 64 o cualquier otro valor que te vaya bien.
El tamaño de paquete indica al programa cuanta información debe transferir "cada vez".
Si es muy grande, la información de los ficheros (porcentaje subido, velocidad, etc) no se actualizará de forma fluida, pero si es muy pequeño puede que no aproveche la linea al máximo.
Normalmente para una conexión de subida de 5Mbps puedes usar 32-48KB. La mayor parte de las conexiones ADSL tienen una velocidad aún menor, por lo que el tamaño por defecto es 8KB. Pero si no es tu caso, mejor auméntalo.
He cambiado el tamaño de paquete y aqún así sigue yendo lento...
Al subir un fichero a MEGA, se intenta enviar por HTTP POST el fichero a una URL que proporciona MEGA dinámicamente.
Si el servidor que recibe los datos está saturado, la subida irá lenta y no hay nada que se pueda hacer.
En ese caso, lo mejor es parar la conexión al poco de comenzar y volver a intentarlo. ¡Con un poco de suerte MEGA te asignará un servidor que vaya mejor!
¡No quiero ese menú "Subir a MEGA" que aparece cuando hago click derecho en un fichero o directorio!
Abre la "Configuración", y deselecciona la opción "Crear menú contextual". Guarda la configuración, y el acceso debería haber desaparecido.
No me aparece el menú "Subir a MEGA", aunque tengo la opción "Crear menú contextual" activada.
Para crear el menú, MegaUploader debe acceder al registro de Windows y agregar un par de claves. Si lo ejecutas sin permisos es posible que no pueda acceder al registro. Debes ejecutar MegaUploader como administrador al menos una vez.
¿Como puedo traducir la aplicación a otro idioma?
En breve haré un tutorial más completo. Básicamente es crear un nuevo fichero dentro de la ruta de configuración, en el directorio Language, copiando otro fichero (se recomienda como base usar en-US.xml). Debes poner el código de idioma con el formato ISO 639 + ISO 3166. Luego editas el XML y cambias, en primer lugar, el código y nombre del idioma, y luego las traducciones (manteniendo el atributo id de cada nodo). Listo!
La próxima vez que inicies el programa, podrás cambiar el idioma desde la configuración (siempre y cuando el código de idioma sea correcto y exista).
¡¡El antivirus me dice que MegaUploader es un virus o contiene un troyano!!
MegaUploader no contiene ningún virus o troyano. Pero está comprimido usando MPRESS para que ocupe menos. Algunos virus también usan MPRESS para que sean más difíciles de detectar, por lo que algunos antivirus marcan como peligrosos cualquier fichero comprimido de esta manera - lo que provoca muchos falsos positivos.
Puedes usar un sniffer HTTP como Fiddler para ver lo que hace MegaUploader, y comprobar que, aparte de conectar con MEGA para subir ficheros y comprobar la última versión, no hace conexiones extrañas ni envía información personal de ningún tipo. MegaUploader es 100% seguro.
¿Que licencia tiene?
La licencia de uso es gratuita, el programa se proporciona "tal como es", no se ofrece ninguna garantía o condiciones de ningún tipo (explítica o implícita), ni se asume ninguna responsabilidad por el uso de la aplicación.
No se permite su modificación. No se permite su uso con fines de lucro. Puedes redistribuirlo libremente, pero solo bajo la condición de no modificarlo y manteniendo toda su información (autores, agradecimientos, etc). No se permite redistribuirlo suplantando la autoría o quitando información de los autores.
Si no estás de acuerdo con esta licencia, no uses el programa.
Esto es un pequeño resumen, con el programa viene la licencia completa, por favor revísala antes de usarlo.
¡¡Me encanta la aplicación!! ¿Como puedo agradecértelo?
Cualquier comentario es bienvenido (podrás encontrar mi contacto en el programa, bajo "Ayuda/Acerca de"), tanto de agradecimiento como críticas constructivas (pero no destructivas).
Si te gustaría ver alguna opción más, dímela y veré si es posible implementarla.
Y si quieres donar algo, cualquier ayuda es bienvenida :)
FAQ [English]
What is MegaUploader?
MegaUploader [click here to download it] is an upload client for MEGA.CO.NZ
Is it an official app?
It is a standalone unofficial application. It's free and there is no charge for using it or download it.
Is there an app for downloading?
Yes, it's called MegaDownloader!
Why MegaUploader?
What requirements does it have?
You must use Windows XP SP3 or higher (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc) and have installed .NET 4.0 or higher.
It also works on Mac with Parallels, considering that you install .NET 4.0 or higher.
How does it decrypt files?
The decryption is made on the fly, while uploading, so no extra resources are used (RAM or disk).
How do I start uploading?
First you must start the program and wait for it to load.
Then you have to add the files you want to upload.
You can click on the "Add files" button, and add them.
Once in the queue, you might check the status:
- Stopped: Connections are closed and upload is stopped.
- Uploading: The queue items are being uploaded in order.
- Paused: The connections are open but the files are not being uploaded. When it returns to the state 'Uploading' it will immediately startuploading .
How do I configure the program? There are many options!
You can use the default settings, specifying only the user and password of your Mega account.
How I can see the remaining time?
By default, some columns are not shown. Right click on the column header of the list of files, select the columns to show or hide.
I can not change the size of the name column!
This column is automatically resized by the size of other columns. Therefore you should modify the other columns to resize the name column. This is done to avoid horizontal scrolling.
What is a Pre-Shared Key?
Pre-Shared Keys are used to upload specifying the cipher password.
Normally a 24 bytes random password is generated using a criptographic pseudo-random number generator, but it is possible to specify the password.
With that password (called Pre-Shared Key) you can download the file without knowing the private key, just with the file ID (you need MegaDownloader).
It is recommended not to use Pre-Shared Keys (random passwords are more secure) but the option is there if you want to use it.
You can read more in the article Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
What is a Key Watermark?
Key Watermarks let you customize the final key that will appear in the MEGA link.
You can read more in the article Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
The upload speed is not good, what can I do?
Try changing the Package size. Go to "Configuration" / "Advanced" tab/ change the value "Package size". By default it is 8 KB, you can try to increase it to 16, 32, 64 or any value you want.
This value represents the amount of data that will be transfered at once. It should not be too large or MegaUploader refresh won't be optimal. But a small value can make you don't upload at maximum speed. Normally for a 5Mbps upload connection you can use 32-48 KB. Most of the ADSL connections have a smaller upload speed, so the default value is 8KB.
I have changed the Package Size and the speed is still not good!
When uploading a file to MEGA, an upload URL is provided. MegaUploader transfers the data to that URL by a POST HTTP connection. If the server that receives the data is saturated, maybe the upload speed will be low and you can't do anything to prevent it.
In this case, you can try to cancel the upload and retry again - with some luck MEGA will assign you another server and the speed will be good!
I don't want that "Upload to MEGA" link that appears when right clicking on a file or directory!
Go to "Configuration" and uncheck the option "Create context menu". Save the configuration. The link should disappear.
The link "Upload to MEGA" does not appear, and I have checked I have the "Create context menu" configuration activated.
For creating the menu, MegaUploader has to access Windows registry at least once to add some keys. If you execute MegaUploader without permissions, maybe it won't have access. You have to execute it as administrator at least once, so it can add the keys to the registry.
How I can translate the application into another language?
A more complete tutorial will be made soon.
Basically you have to create a new file in the internal configuration path, under the Language directory, copying another file (it is recommended to use as a basis en-US.xml). You have to put the language code in the format ISO 639 + ISO 3166. Then you have to edit the XML and change, first, the code and name of the language, then the translation (keeping the 'id' attribute of each node). Ready!
Next time you start the program, you will be able to change the language from the configuration screen (if the language code is correct and exists).
Hmmm the English/French/Any language translation is not good...
English is not my first tongue so any correction is welcome! Please contact me if you want to contribute translating MegaUploader ;)
Can I upload anonymously? MEGA allows it!
For the moment it is not implemented.
Which license does MegaUploader use?
The usage license is free, the program is provided "as is", there is no warranty or condition of any kind (express or implied).
Modification is not allowed. Its usage with profit purposes is not allowed. You can redistribute it freely, but only under the condition of not modifying it, and maintaining all its information (authors, acknowledgments, etc.).
It is not allowed to redistribute it supplanting the authorship or removing information from the authors.
If you do not agree to this license, do not use the program.
This is a short summary, the program comes with a full license, please check it before use.
I love the app! How I can thank you?
Any comments are welcome (you can find my contact in the program under "Help / About"). Constructive criticism if welcome too (but not destructive). If you like to see a new feature implemented, tell me and see if I can develop it.
And you are more than welcome to make a donation using PayPal ;)
MegaUploader [click here to download it] is an upload client for MEGA.CO.NZ
Is it an official app?
It is a standalone unofficial application. It's free and there is no charge for using it or download it.
Is there an app for downloading?
Yes, it's called MegaDownloader!
Why MegaUploader?
- Fast: You can upload multiple files simultaneously, squeezing the bandwidth.
- Lightweight: Takes up less than 2MB and consumes little resources. It requires no installation, is a single exe. It doesn't create giant temporary files. Just uses a small buffer in memory.
- Secure: No ads, banners, or anything. It doesn't collect information from user. Only connects to MEGA.CO.NZ to upload the files, and periodically checks for updates. Nothing else. And sensitive internal information is stored locally encrypted using DPAPI and AES.
- Simple: Its interface is simple to use: add links and start uploading. That's all!
- Complete: It allows pausing, stopping and resuming file uploading . It enqueues files, grouping them by packages, can limit the upload speed, is multilingual, can be configured to automatically start or shut down the PC when finish, can reconnect in case of error, etc.
What requirements does it have?
You must use Windows XP SP3 or higher (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc) and have installed .NET 4.0 or higher.
It also works on Mac with Parallels, considering that you install .NET 4.0 or higher.
How does it decrypt files?
The decryption is made on the fly, while uploading, so no extra resources are used (RAM or disk).
How do I start uploading?
First you must start the program and wait for it to load.
Then you have to add the files you want to upload.
You can click on the "Add files" button, and add them.
Once in the queue, you might check the status:
- Stopped: Connections are closed and upload is stopped.
- Uploading: The queue items are being uploaded in order.
- Paused: The connections are open but the files are not being uploaded. When it returns to the state 'Uploading' it will immediately startuploading .
How do I configure the program? There are many options!
You can use the default settings, specifying only the user and password of your Mega account.
How I can see the remaining time?
By default, some columns are not shown. Right click on the column header of the list of files, select the columns to show or hide.
I can not change the size of the name column!
This column is automatically resized by the size of other columns. Therefore you should modify the other columns to resize the name column. This is done to avoid horizontal scrolling.
What is a Pre-Shared Key?
Pre-Shared Keys are used to upload specifying the cipher password.
Normally a 24 bytes random password is generated using a criptographic pseudo-random number generator, but it is possible to specify the password.
With that password (called Pre-Shared Key) you can download the file without knowing the private key, just with the file ID (you need MegaDownloader).
It is recommended not to use Pre-Shared Keys (random passwords are more secure) but the option is there if you want to use it.
You can read more in the article Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
What is a Key Watermark?
Key Watermarks let you customize the final key that will appear in the MEGA link.
You can read more in the article Pre-Shared Keys and Key Watermarks.
The upload speed is not good, what can I do?
Try changing the Package size. Go to "Configuration" / "Advanced" tab/ change the value "Package size". By default it is 8 KB, you can try to increase it to 16, 32, 64 or any value you want.
This value represents the amount of data that will be transfered at once. It should not be too large or MegaUploader refresh won't be optimal. But a small value can make you don't upload at maximum speed. Normally for a 5Mbps upload connection you can use 32-48 KB. Most of the ADSL connections have a smaller upload speed, so the default value is 8KB.
I have changed the Package Size and the speed is still not good!
When uploading a file to MEGA, an upload URL is provided. MegaUploader transfers the data to that URL by a POST HTTP connection. If the server that receives the data is saturated, maybe the upload speed will be low and you can't do anything to prevent it.
In this case, you can try to cancel the upload and retry again - with some luck MEGA will assign you another server and the speed will be good!
I don't want that "Upload to MEGA" link that appears when right clicking on a file or directory!
Go to "Configuration" and uncheck the option "Create context menu". Save the configuration. The link should disappear.
The link "Upload to MEGA" does not appear, and I have checked I have the "Create context menu" configuration activated.
For creating the menu, MegaUploader has to access Windows registry at least once to add some keys. If you execute MegaUploader without permissions, maybe it won't have access. You have to execute it as administrator at least once, so it can add the keys to the registry.
How I can translate the application into another language?
A more complete tutorial will be made soon.
Basically you have to create a new file in the internal configuration path, under the Language directory, copying another file (it is recommended to use as a basis en-US.xml). You have to put the language code in the format ISO 639 + ISO 3166. Then you have to edit the XML and change, first, the code and name of the language, then the translation (keeping the 'id' attribute of each node). Ready!
Next time you start the program, you will be able to change the language from the configuration screen (if the language code is correct and exists).
Hmmm the English/French/Any language translation is not good...
English is not my first tongue so any correction is welcome! Please contact me if you want to contribute translating MegaUploader ;)
Can I upload anonymously? MEGA allows it!
For the moment it is not implemented.
The usage license is free, the program is provided "as is", there is no warranty or condition of any kind (express or implied).
Modification is not allowed. Its usage with profit purposes is not allowed. You can redistribute it freely, but only under the condition of not modifying it, and maintaining all its information (authors, acknowledgments, etc.).
It is not allowed to redistribute it supplanting the authorship or removing information from the authors.
If you do not agree to this license, do not use the program.
This is a short summary, the program comes with a full license, please check it before use.
I love the app! How I can thank you?
Any comments are welcome (you can find my contact in the program under "Help / About"). Constructive criticism if welcome too (but not destructive). If you like to see a new feature implemented, tell me and see if I can develop it.
And you are more than welcome to make a donation using PayPal ;)
FAQ [Français]
Qu'est-ce que MegaUploader?
MegaUploader est un client pour le téléchargement de fichiers à MEGA.CO.NZ
MegaUploader est un client pour le téléchargement de fichiers à MEGA.CO.NZ
Est une application officielle?
Il s'agit d'une application autonome et non officielles. Son utilisation est gratuite et il n'y a pas de frais pour l'utiliser ou de le télécharger.
Y at-il une application pour le téléchargement?
Bien sûr, il est appelé MegaDownloader .
Ce qui rend MegaUploader?
- Rapide: permet de charger des fichiers multiples en même temps, en maximisant la bande passante.
- Léger: Pèse moins de 2 Mo et consomme peu de ressources. Il ne nécessite aucune installation, c’est un exe unique. Aucun fichiers temporaires. Il suffit d'utiliser un petit tampon en mémoire.
- Sure: Pas de publicité, de bannières, aucun ajouts de quoi que ce soit. Il ne recueille aucune information d’aucune nature. Se connecte uniquement à MEGA.CO.NZ pour télécharger des fichiers et vérifie périodiquement les mises à jour. Rien de plus. Les informations sensibles internes à stocker localement sous forme cryptée à l'aide de DPAPI et AES.
- Simple: Son interface est simple à utiliser: Ajouter des fichiers et commence à uploader.C’est tout.
- Complète: Mise en pause, téléchargement de fichiers, coller les fichiers à télécharger, regroupés par paquets, permet de limiter la vitesse de téléchargement, est multilingue, peut être configuré pour démarrer automatiquement ou éteindre le PC une fois terminé, en cas d'erreur peut être réglé de se reconnecter, etc etc
Quelle configuration est requise?
Vous devez utiliser Windows XP SP3 ou supérieur (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc) et vous avez installé . NET 4.0 ou supérieur .
Il fonctionne également sur Mac avec Parallels, étant donné que vous installez . NET 4.0 ou supérieur.
Comment MEGA.CO.NZ crypte les fichiers?
Le chiffrement s’effectu à la volée, de sorte que qu’aucune ressource supplémentaire ne consomme dans la RAM ou sur le disque.
Comment puis-je démarrer?
D'abord, vous devez démarrer le programme et d'attendre qu'il se charge.
Ensuite, vous devez ajouter des fichiers à télécharger.
Pour cela appuyer sur le bouton "Ajouter des fichiers". Ajouter des fichiers ou des dossiers et les mettre dans la file d'attente. Une fois dans la file d'attente, vous pouvez vérifier l'état:
- Fixe: pas de connexions ouvertes et il n'y a rien en place.
- Escalade: Les éléments de la file sont en hausse dans l'ordre établi.
- Pause: Les connexions sont ouvertes, mais pas à la hauteur, lorsque vous revenez à l'état «Rising» sera immédiatement démarrer.
Puis-je glisser des fichiers pour démarrer MEGA?
Oui, mais ne fonctionne pas si le lâche dans la liste des upload, les déposer dans les clés ou sur le bord. Nous travaillons à résoudre ce problème.
Comment puis-je configurer le programme? Ils existe de nombreuses options!
Vous pouvez utiliser les paramètres par défaut de commencer à uploader. Il est seulement nécessaire de spécifier votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe MEGA.
Je peux télécharger? Anonymement? MEGA permet aux comptes éphémères!
Au moment où l'option n'est pas implémentée.
Vous devez utiliser Windows XP SP3 ou supérieur (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc) et vous avez installé . NET 4.0 ou supérieur .
Il fonctionne également sur Mac avec Parallels, étant donné que vous installez . NET 4.0 ou supérieur.
Comment MEGA.CO.NZ crypte les fichiers?
Le chiffrement s’effectu à la volée, de sorte que qu’aucune ressource supplémentaire ne consomme dans la RAM ou sur le disque.
Comment puis-je démarrer?
D'abord, vous devez démarrer le programme et d'attendre qu'il se charge.
Ensuite, vous devez ajouter des fichiers à télécharger.
Pour cela appuyer sur le bouton "Ajouter des fichiers". Ajouter des fichiers ou des dossiers et les mettre dans la file d'attente. Une fois dans la file d'attente, vous pouvez vérifier l'état:
- Fixe: pas de connexions ouvertes et il n'y a rien en place.
- Escalade: Les éléments de la file sont en hausse dans l'ordre établi.
- Pause: Les connexions sont ouvertes, mais pas à la hauteur, lorsque vous revenez à l'état «Rising» sera immédiatement démarrer.
Puis-je glisser des fichiers pour démarrer MEGA?
Oui, mais ne fonctionne pas si le lâche dans la liste des upload, les déposer dans les clés ou sur le bord. Nous travaillons à résoudre ce problème.
Comment puis-je configurer le programme? Ils existe de nombreuses options!
Vous pouvez utiliser les paramètres par défaut de commencer à uploader. Il est seulement nécessaire de spécifier votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe MEGA.
Je peux télécharger? Anonymement? MEGA permet aux comptes éphémères!
Au moment où l'option n'est pas implémentée.
Comment puis je voir le temps restant pour uploader?
Par défaut, certaines colonnes ne sont pas affichées. Faites un clic droit sur l'en-tête de colonne de la liste des téléchargements, sélectionnez les colonnes à afficher ou masquer.
Je ne peux pas changer la taille de la colonne de nom!
Cette colonne est automatiquement redimensionnée à la taille des autres colonnes. Par conséquent, vous devez modifier les autres colonnes pour redimensionner la colonne nom. Ceci est fait pour éviter le défilement horizontal.
Comment puis-je traduire l'application dans une autre langue?
Bientôt, je vais faire un tutoriel plus complet. Simplement, il faut créer un nouveau fichier dans le chemin de configuration des langues, copiert un autre fichier (recommandé comme base à utiliser en US.xml). Vous devez placer le code de la langue dans le format ISO 3166 ISO 639 +. Ensuite, éditez le fichier XML et le modifier, tout d'abord, le code et le nom de la langue, puis la traduction (en gardant l'attribut id de chaque nœud).Voila!
La prochaine fois que vous démarrez le programme, vous pouvez changer la langue dans les réglages (si le code de langue est correcte il apparait dans la liste).
Qu'est-ce qu'une clé pré-partagée?
Le Pre-Shared Key vous permet de télécharger des fichiers indiquant le mot de passe de cryptage.
Typiquement générer un mot de passe aléatoire de 24 octets (+8 vérification) en utilisant un générateur pseudo-aléatoire cryptographique nombre fort, mais vous pouvez configurer votre propre mot de passe.
Avec la clé pré-partagée, vous pouvez télécharger le fichier mais ne savent pas la clé privée et décrypter (besoin MegaDownloader pour elle).
Non recommandé pour une utilisation en tant que mots de passe aléatoires sont beaucoup plus sûres, mais l'option est là si vous voulez utiliser.
Quelle licence ?
La licence est gratuite, le programme est fourni "tel quel", il n'y a aucune garantie ou condition de quelque nature (explicite ou implicite) ,nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité pour l'utilisation de l'application.
Aucune modification n'est permise. Ne pas utiliser pour le profit. Vous pouvez le redistribuer librement, mais seulement à la condition de ne pas modifier et maintenir toutes les informations (auteurs, remerciements, etc.) Auteur redistribuer non supplanter ou supprimer des informations auprès des auteurs.
Si vous n'acceptez pas cette licence, ne pas utiliser le programme.
Ceci est un résumé bref, le programme est livré avec une licence complète, s'il vous plaît vérifier avant l'utilisation.
J'aime l'app! Comment puis-je vous remercier?
Tous les commentaires sont les bienvenus (vous pouvez trouver mon contact dans le programme sous la rubrique "Aide / A propos"), à la fois de grâce comme une critique constructive (mais non destructif).
Si vous voulez voir un choix, dites-moi et voyez si vous pouvez le mettre en œuvre.
Et si vous voulez donner quelque chose, toute aide est la bienvenue
Download Links [English]
Current version: v1.1
See below for older versions.
If you want to DOWNLOAD from MEGA, try MegaDownloader!
This application will install MegaUploader, configure the registry and download all necessary dependencies (.NET) automatically. It will also add an "Uninstall" option.
Installer mirrors:
Please note that MegaUploader has NO ADS. We only use adf.ly for the download link. We know many people don't like it, so if you don't want to use adf.ly, you can also download MegaUploader by using this link. Thanks for your support.
You can also download the portable version.
MD5 of the installer: 66364F7BE18A93816E003DF1C90987AD
Note: The installer is SIGNED with a certificate, check it in order to verify the file!
If you want to publish it in your website or blog, please feel free to do it, but if possible, try to put these links :)
Source code
You can download the source code here. You will need Visual Studio 2013 Community (it's free!)
MD5 of the Source Code RAR: 9D2B60DD3988BE75545BB3DFAAC26C61
Previous versions
MegaUploader 1.0 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.92 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.9 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.8 [BETA NOT RELEASED]
MegaUploader 0.7 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.6 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.5 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader is completely free.
If you are satisfied with MegaUploader and want to help MegaUploader improve or motivate the development of other quality programs, any amount of donation small or large will be welcome and gratefully appreciated. Thanks! :)
You cand also send me some Litecoins, if you prefer!
LTC Wallet: LXDHPf3TH582fsDdkynP1iMBRjdN5LisqF
v1.1 - 18/04/2015
- Added the option to upload files to a specified directory. If the directory does not exists, it will be created.
Please note that the subdirectory structure is still not supported, it will be implemented in future versions.
- Fixed issue with speed limit
v1.0 - 02/04/2015
- Improved account summary
- Added option to import and export accounts
v0.92 BETA - 19/02/2015
- New encode mega://enc2 (compatible with MegaDownloader)
- Added summary account for quick size usage reference.
- Added size usage information when uploading files.
v0.9 BETA - 11/12/2014
- Corrected error with SSL/TLS
- Errors corrected from 0.8 (not released): various bug fixes.
v0.7 BETA - 18/04/2013
- Added support for ELC.
- New functionality added: stopping & resuming uploads.
- Improved CPU usage.
- Minor corrections.
v0.6 BETA - 16/03/2013
- Added support for multiple accounts.
- Added context menu in Windows Explorer.
- Added Key Watermark.
- Fixed drag & drop inside the upload list.
v0.5 BETA - 12/03/2013
- New logo and colors ;)
- Added option to generate encoded links (mega:// for MegaDownloader).
- Corrected login error with e-mail that contains capital letters.
v0.4 BETA - 04/03/2013
- Corrected login error with long passwords (more than 16 characters).
- Fixed error with diacritics in name files (MALFORMED_ATTRIBUTES).
- Added IP binding.
v0.3 BETA - 20/02/2013
- Corrected login bugs with MEGA.
- Improved performance and upload speed (while a chunk is uploading, now it generates the next chunk).
- In case of error, it retries the connection up to 5 times per chunk instead of throwing an error (each chunk is 1MB or less).
v0.2 BETA - 16/02/2013
- Added "Pre-Shared Keys" option.
- Modified menu and configuration format.
- Fixed big files upload (>2GB).
- Minor internal improvements.
v0.1 BETA - 12/02/2013
- First version
See below for older versions.
If you want to DOWNLOAD from MEGA, try MegaDownloader!
This application will install MegaUploader, configure the registry and download all necessary dependencies (.NET) automatically. It will also add an "Uninstall" option.
Installer mirrors:
Please note that MegaUploader has NO ADS. We only use adf.ly for the download link. We know many people don't like it, so if you don't want to use adf.ly, you can also download MegaUploader by using this link. Thanks for your support.
You can also download the portable version.
MD5 of the installer: 66364F7BE18A93816E003DF1C90987AD
Note: The installer is SIGNED with a certificate, check it in order to verify the file!
If you want to publish it in your website or blog, please feel free to do it, but if possible, try to put these links :)
Source code
You can download the source code here. You will need Visual Studio 2013 Community (it's free!)
MD5 of the Source Code RAR: 9D2B60DD3988BE75545BB3DFAAC26C61
Previous versions
MegaUploader 1.0 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.92 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.9 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.8 [BETA NOT RELEASED]
MegaUploader 0.7 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.6 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader 0.5 [Mirror 1]
MegaUploader is completely free.
If you are satisfied with MegaUploader and want to help MegaUploader improve or motivate the development of other quality programs, any amount of donation small or large will be welcome and gratefully appreciated. Thanks! :)
You cand also send me some Litecoins, if you prefer!
LTC Wallet: LXDHPf3TH582fsDdkynP1iMBRjdN5LisqF
v1.1 - 18/04/2015
- Added the option to upload files to a specified directory. If the directory does not exists, it will be created.
Please note that the subdirectory structure is still not supported, it will be implemented in future versions.
- Fixed issue with speed limit
v1.0 - 02/04/2015
- Improved account summary
- Added option to import and export accounts
v0.92 BETA - 19/02/2015
- New encode mega://enc2 (compatible with MegaDownloader)
- Added summary account for quick size usage reference.
- Added size usage information when uploading files.
v0.9 BETA - 11/12/2014
- Corrected error with SSL/TLS
- Errors corrected from 0.8 (not released): various bug fixes.
v0.7 BETA - 18/04/2013
- Added support for ELC.
- New functionality added: stopping & resuming uploads.
- Improved CPU usage.
- Minor corrections.
v0.6 BETA - 16/03/2013
- Added support for multiple accounts.
- Added context menu in Windows Explorer.
- Added Key Watermark.
- Fixed drag & drop inside the upload list.
v0.5 BETA - 12/03/2013
- New logo and colors ;)
- Added option to generate encoded links (mega:// for MegaDownloader).
- Corrected login error with e-mail that contains capital letters.
v0.4 BETA - 04/03/2013
- Corrected login error with long passwords (more than 16 characters).
- Fixed error with diacritics in name files (MALFORMED_ATTRIBUTES).
- Added IP binding.
v0.3 BETA - 20/02/2013
- Corrected login bugs with MEGA.
- Improved performance and upload speed (while a chunk is uploading, now it generates the next chunk).
- In case of error, it retries the connection up to 5 times per chunk instead of throwing an error (each chunk is 1MB or less).
v0.2 BETA - 16/02/2013
- Added "Pre-Shared Keys" option.
- Modified menu and configuration format.
- Fixed big files upload (>2GB).
- Minor internal improvements.
v0.1 BETA - 12/02/2013
- First version
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